Holanďany/Bughouse - Quiz

Několik holanďanových úloh | Few bugouse chess quiz-es

Pokud si chceš zkontrlovat řešení, klikni na diagram ... | If You know what is the solution, check it by clicking on Diagram ...
Curiosity Blitzkrieg ... Knights power ... Quiz (SKA&Jezby 20010507) Knights power II Knights power III

Some situations from Bughouse Nations Cup 2002

Position from Bughouse Nations Cup 2002 CZ I vs SWE Position similar with previous but another solution is here Position from Bughouse Nations Cup 2002 CZ I vs SWE

Minuté maty ze skutečných partií | Missed checkmates from real bughouse chess games

Minuté maty
Missed checkmate ...

Until today unsolved problems

Holandany: Two Knights and Bishop in hand against Rook in hand, it is possible to win ?
Holandany-Quiz (Click for download position for BA : QuizBNNR.bpgn)
Bughouse chess INFO (alias holandany)