English: This javascript bughouse chess viewer (made by Fermy, improved by SKAcz and Wir) You can use for replaying and analysing bughouse, crazyhouse or standard chess games stored in BPGN text file format directly from web browser (works also offline). It has functionality to read .BPGN text file from disk, so You can for example on android (or any operating system with html5 browser) tablet or smartphone simply open file with games and replay and analyze it. What is great news for who was limited to windows (where most of software for viewing .BPGN files working). Imagine now You can play games, or somewhere download and then u offline can replay it! In train, in bus, without internet, on any device with web browser ...
Česky: Tento javascriptový viewer umí přehrávat partie uložené v .BPGN formátu i bez připojení k internetu na jakémkoliv zařízení a operačním systému s webovým prohlížečem podporujícím HTML5.
Ve Fermyho webovem prohlizeci si muzete i zkouset tahy, staci kliknout mysi nejprve na startovni a pak na cilove pole.