Double chess ELO calculator 2.00
2003 by : SKAcz
If somebody wish to calc rating from some data set or will have some questions just tell or write me please.
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Double Chess ELO Calculator 2.00 released. You need MS Excell to use it.
Now is easy to calculate new ELO based on
- games data set in format:
PlayerA1, PlayerA2, PlayerB1, PlayerB2, PointsATeam, PointsBTeam
- and starting ELO list in format:
Player, ELO
Or is possible to calculate from such games data set performance for
player (all or only for some) without player starting ELO.
This requires still little hand work :
to find such starting elo that computed new elo will be as close to starting as possible,
but its only what You have to do.
About ELO rating system
(This is written also for no-mathematician, but if some of mathematician wish add something, just write me)
In principle ELO rating system is based on this simple idea:
- 1.
If two players (or teams) playing game and each has some power,
the difference between powers of this 2 players determining how many points (1 point if win, 0 if lose and for example 0.5 if draw)
each player has to do. We call this (in %) norm form player. For example if Player P1 is one class (200 ELO) better that player P2 than it means P1 from 100 games will win 76 and lose 24.
- 2.
Games data set (number of games) has to be enough big (then from probability of win in 1 game we going to statistics) to be statistically important,
then we can calculate from such games data set the relative power between players, we call it performance.
The first performance based on enough big data set we can declare as first rating (ELO).
- 3.
When we have some rating ELO list, and players playing new games, the rating of players is changing depend on his actual power (some players are improving his ability to play the game and going be better).
(Calculated additive 1 step way) the new rating = old rating + K*(number of points that player win - norm for this player based on his old rating); where K is usually 15.
How going time, rating of players changing and converge to be mirror of real power of players. This self-organization of rating is also very important.
- 4.
If number of players in data set is very big (like whole world), we can say that the power of average player is 2000.
(This is then saying the absolut value of ELO, because basically rating in general is relative thing, which saying that this player is better that this and that better that another and saying the rating difference between players,
but nowhere is determine if best player rating should be 2500 or 3500; The 2000 as "gravity centre" for world rating system is just a useful convention.)
- 5.
Also this rule is important : If some player played on calculated games data set too big quantity of games and we use additive way to determine his new rating, we have to check if his new rating is not out of border made by his performance.
New rating for such player has to be determined the same way as for new players without rating : as his performance. Or better : calculate ELO more often to decrease size of games data set for aditive calculating new ELO.
For example: If Player with rating 2000 will play 1000 games with performance of 2020 his new rating cannot be bigger than 2020, but is set on 2020.
The deep mathematics is in Pd_ELO function. Who is interresting in math please go for example to internet resources about The Legacy of Arpad Elo.
Who need (FIDE) ELO calculator for chess (or teams), You can try also (205KB) where are predefined tables for 2 - 11 chessplayers. Its in both MS Excell and format. As bonus includes also 5ELO calculator for making elo system for blitz chess with time handicap for weaker opponents (This system is very motivating and giving weaker chessplayers chance to sometimes win on more stronger opponents - which have to play with minimum time). See where system was succesfully used.
If You need calculate chess ELO from bigger set of games, or maintain Your own chess club rating, You can download for free (79KB) - when You have set of games results played inside some group of players.