Present: ONLINEA - Web browser based game server + DOUBLE CHESS Bughouse New project for all devices, including tablets and smartphones, of course also playable from PC, notebook, netbook with various operating systems.
Project started in 2015, continued in 2020. Technology is nodejs, javascript.
History: AlexBug Telnet based chess server + bughouse Possible play only from PC, clients exists for connecting from more operating systems.
Project started in 2002 and last big changes made in 2014. Technology is linux, C++.
Historie: Telnetovský šachový server + bughouse Lze hrát pouze z PC, existují klienti pro připojení z více operačních systémů.
Projekt zahájen v roce 2002, velké změny a vylepšení v roce 2014. Technologie je linux, C++.